
Big stress for social protection: Walloon government will retire €850,000 in 2025

Big stress for social protection: Walloon government will retire €850,000 in 2025

In particular, the MR/Les Engages regional policy declaration sets out clear goals in the context of borderless resettlement: the “Housing First” program, “Social Protection Mission, devaient être”perennisés”, “renforces“and meme”develops“.

Revisit an adventure that took place over a quarter of a century.

Olivier Hissette is President of the Federation of Public Relations Coordinators in Wallonia.Olivier Hissette is President of the Federation of Public Relations Coordinators in Wallonia.
Olivier Hissette is President of the Federation of Public Relations Coordinators in Wallonia. ©EdA – Florent Marot

Housing First Effect

Walloon Minister of Social Action Thierry made his debut in 2000. Now he says that he does not visit environmental forces: il veut verifier si les moyens Engagés par la Région dans la lutte contre le le sans-abrisme is not so badly dispersed. Les relais sociaux

naissent de cette volonté de mesurer l’efficacité de ces aides et d’instaurer une culture de la Concertation Entre Services Public et Associations. Accueil de jour, de nuit, urence sociale, travail de rue, plan Grand Froid, etc.Plus the role of the local observatory, which allows the developer to have experience”souvent Mal Connue”

Unfortunately, Olivier Hissett, the new mission is a place where you can spend time in the armory, lying still; coordination of housing construction.

Locally, it is a tradition associated with the return of people who have been on Depuy aux Moins Street for 2 years. Pas un hébergement temporaire: standards logements, où ces hommes et ces femmes vont se stabilizer durabilité, rassurés par un pluridisciplinaire. Social assistants, orderlies, etc.


Housing First does not provide an opportunity to avoid the impact of the great danger associated with infrastructure restoration. Depuy 2015, at the exhibition pres de 2,000 people on the street.On prend les personnes telles qu’elles sont dans la rue, avec leurs dépendances, leur souffrance mentale et leurs animaux. Le suivi des équipes mobiles is very intense. It’s a long job. La première personne suivie – c’était en 2015 – est toujours accompagnée aujourd’hui narrator Olivier Hissett. With this formula, there is a 90 to 93% street sorting rate with no returns.“C’est énorme, quand on sait que, sans ce cadre, la moitié des personnes “replongent” dans le sans-abrisme.”Housing First does not provide an opportunity to avoid the impact of the great danger associated with infrastructure restoration. Depuy 2015, at the exhibition pres de 2,000 people on the street.

La Bagnole, pas les rouesJuly 2024. A new majority emerges in Wallonia. ” At the message in the office there was deja vu in July. Puis en September, en October… Pas de retour. Le stress Monte.“Ils apprennent déjà que le projet de Budget 2025 du gouvernement efface de l’ardoise Wallonne advertises optional subsidies.”This is 55% of the social protection budget of Namur, 80% of the social protection budget of Luxembourg… We do not know what the minister must save. Insist on freedom. On the first of December we have no budgets at all.”

.Et ils ne savent pas encore tout. Forcibly in the Cabinet of Ministers, those responsible for the relay finally left in the direction of cooperation with the Minister on November 6th. Avec cette annonce qui leur donne des sueurs froides: les relais sociaux seront delestés de 850,000 euros in 2025.” Où faut-il Tailler? He doesn’t talk about it. But these are not personnel or partners, but devices that are interdependent. Donc ça influences our actions.


C’est comme si on nous disait, voilà, you gardes ta voiture, on ne touche pas à l’habitacle, mais on t’enlève une roueD’autant que que 2025 verra la fin des Fonds sociaux européens, la fin des subsides pour les Territoires zéro sans-abrisme, etc.”We have to make sure that the structures are maintained. Mais c’est comme si on nous disait, voilà, you gardes ta voiture, on ne touche pas à l’habitacle, mais on t’enlève une roue. He n’ira pa loin…

September relaunched the city society and two intercommunal events in Wallonia.Le ministre “comprend et entend les Craintes”Questioned by the commission of the Walloon parliament on behalf of Ecolo deputy Stephane Azé, Minister of Solidarity Yves Coppieter (Les Engages), he confirmed the information: 850,000 euros per month in 2025 for social needs. “Nous comprenons bien sûr les crintes exprimées et nous les entendons, réagit-il. We have agreed on the sector and administration to identify the routes.“I note that the goal is to continue funding Housing First projects,”

qui relèvent encore cette année du Plan de relance de la Wallonie“Other meetings are held within the framework of other programs,” says Yves Coppieter. In opposition, Stefan Azé returns to the Economy program. And, as fair negotiations take place, he points to future financial reform regarding registration rights (only a unique 3%) to be introduced in January: ” 850,000 euros, that’s 9 people who can get a government assistant(NDLR: elles paieront chacune €92,500 de moins qu’avec le taux actuel)

to receive more than 1 million euros. That’s what it represents.”