
Melen. Pourquois Pierre Palmade refused justice in the case of involuntary murder?

Melen. Pourquois Pierre Palmade refused justice in the case of involuntary murder?

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French law Protect my residents who l’enfant à naîtreplaid Melen (Seine and Marne) MeMurad Battikhvictims’ lawyer Pierre PalmadeNot la femme enceinte What awaits dead son, baby. Les œufs de Sureseau Oiseaux Sont Mieux Protégés Que fetus en France, this is achurissant! »

Overture of the pouring process blessings slaves exacerbations, il tené de faire reclassifies les faits en involuntary murder. Son, but? fair jurisprudenceathens de combing le vide juridique relatif à l’existence du fœtus.

“Ma fille était viable, mais pas vivante”

« Le bébé, extrait du corps par Cesarienna a 27 semansPesait 1 090 “Il était donc viable, selon les critères de World Health Organizationplaid of advice, advertising that does not require payment of debt due to the legality of voluntary interruption of work. I don’t want fetal health reconnaissance versus IVG, maybe 0 to 14 weeks. In fact, a legal entity has no right to protection of life in utero. »

L’enfant décédé after an accident became a little girl under the name Soline. Il ya eu un acte de naissance, un acte de décès et une sépulture. « Ma fille etait viablemais pas vivante, cela m’arrache le cœur”, a témoigné la maman. « Soline doit will respond to this lack of words and love, in order to move forward by choice, and Appuyé Me Murad Battikh on tour against Pierre Palmada. Je vous demande donc de sunshine comparison for aggravated murder. » Mention which device works in le requisitoire definitif parquet de Melun.

Pierre Palmade says no

L’avocate de La DéfenseMe Celine Lasek, aussitôt pris la parole: “Le fœtus I can’t breathe At the time of birth, the judge ordered an order de illegalI am against it, I do not require my client’s consent. » Malgret, President of the Correctional Tribunal, Pascal Couvigne, assistant to Pierre Palmada at the bar. “Accept that this prevention can be used when mentioning previous events?” » “No”, response to a warning.

Video: this moment in action

This process is carried out like the previous one. Et la procureure, Marie-Denise Pichonier, concluded: “It cannot be linked to Melun’s jurisdiction over the tranchere in this dispute, which is a plus on the spot.”in parliament

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