
Pharmaceutical academy member demands ‘pensioner ends march’ on rheumatism drugs

Pharmaceutical academy member demands ‘pensioner ends march’ on rheumatism drugs

If accidents happen frequently, scout Alain Astier, “a profitable and risky mutual understanding is extremely unfavorable,” point this out.


Lecture time: 2 minutes.

Medicines against rheumatism and the risk of heart failure (photo illustration). (GILL BADER/MAXPPP)

“Il faut complètement les pensioners of the march”demand of the seller on November 22 in France Alain Astier, member of the Academy of Pharmacy, as well as the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM), works to ensure free access to pharmacies against rheumatism, accused plusières Années de Provoquer de Grace Secondaires, such as AVC and heart attack. “Il est grand temps. “Ça fait des années que beaucoup de collègues” in a relationship “ont Montré la Danger et futility Finale de ce type de produits”at-il explicé.

Actifed, Dolirhum, Rinadvil, Humex act on all pseudoephedrine molecules contained in the body, which cause vasoconstriction, backflow of blood, which can provoke VKA and heart attack. “C’est vrai que ces ces ne sont pas très tréquents, but a better understanding is very unfavorable,” dit-il. Celon Louis, “il faut aller jusqu’au bout du raisonnement. Ou bien ces produits ont un intérêt et, à ce moment-là, il faut les garder, ou bien, ils n’ont pas d’interet”Don “il faut franchement complètement les pensioners du marché.”

The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) expects warnings in the last year about the dangers of these medicines. “Déjà éviter leur accesses free mesemblerait un gros progrès”This is Alain Astier. I assure you that general practitioners do not prescribe a genre of medicine: “Je ne vois pas l’interet pour un médecin. Don’t pour quoi le garder? “Ce sont toujours des demi-mesures, autant retire ça du Marché”confirm. But it is not simple, but still, there is a lack of coordination on issues between French and European sanitary authorities. “On a health and safety level, the local agency pays in Europe are arguably worse than in Europe. Il faut aller jusque-là”incite-t-il.