
Administrative tribunal denies reintegration of dance professor

Administrative tribunal denies reintegration of dance professor

Administrative Tribunal of Orleans

September 30, Ville de Tours (Indre and Loire) was on municipal lease for six months to suspend his functions as professor of dance at the Conservatoire Regionale (CRR) Francis-Poulenc.

The object is waiting for me in April 2024. “signaling” pour de “repetitive actions to ensure body safety and emotional impact at certain levels”link the judges with the referee in the ordinance for the date of November 6, which was held in public.

Your colleagues are waiting for mutual understanding “les propos que lui avait tenus une de ses éleves mineure”. Ils avaient conduit le Maire de Tours à prononcer dès le lendemain une une “suspended conservatory” du professor.

This size was temporarily extended, within the suite, as part of the second arrest in July 2024. The signal from the Prosecutor of the Republic was reached at Ville de Tours. Le volet judiciaire – final version Classroom without suite with parquet flooringdebut October 2024

La Crainte de possible “représailles”

“Des faits d’humiliation et d’insultes envers les élèves constitutifs de harcèlement moral, des gestes unappropriés à leur encontre, ainsi que des plaisanteries et sous-entendus à caractère sexy lui sont reprochés”list the magistrate in the son of the ordinance.

Le professeur de danse se serait aussi rendu coupable de “The Proposal of Sexists and Displaced Persons” and that’s all “aggressive behavior and judgment of some colleagues.”

« Reward pendant Il ne percevra aucune six monthsdefense defender alarm, Me Quentin Gentilhomme. This lack of aura of financial incidents when calculating pension benefits. » Externally, “Aucun élement vient conroborer les témoignages anonymes” ports against the client’s son.

Municipality, for part, judge’s appeal “bright school” this is a requirement for a reason “The need to maintain physical and mental safety” de Eleus. “There is a risk of recurrence if interests are reintegrated”Mettaite on guard Me Hubert Vovy.

Quantity about “prejudice” you demand, he acts « Requirement to go back to computer du 1uh January 2025 » etc. “impact financier” sanction on the pension fund retraite sera de “moins de 3%”.

Reputation of the conservatory in the game

Eu égard à la Nature et à la Gravité des Faits reprochés, de l’atteinte portée au lien de trust ainsi qu’au risque d’atteinte à la reputation du service public, la condérée ne peut être considérée comme remplie “, Estim le judge referee.

Please return to this stage “sans qu’il soit besoin de se prononcer sur la tenant condition à l’existence d’un doute sérieux quant à la legalité” Most of the sanctions must be reviewed within the framework of the collegial formation of the three judges of the main tribunal d’ici dix-huit mois à deux ans.

If it annuls the administrative tribunal of Orléans, then the professor should be entitled to introduce new demands for compensation for the damage caused to the forests of the Ville de Tours. “prejudice” que lui a causes l’arrêté de son maire.