
Direction du PLQ | Carl Blackburn resigns as officer

Direction du PLQ | Carl Blackburn resigns as officer

The president and director of the Patronage Council of Quebec (CPQ), Carl Blackburn, has finally decided that he is not a candidate for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ), and he wants to stay healthy.

In November, M. Blackburn made his debut in the first operation for prostate cancer, but not in the diagnosis in June. He will give up his lancer at this moment, he will be sure that he is even more late for me, and he will not keep himself waiting for a new invasion of politics after the operation.

“Ces dernières semaines, plusieurs amis et anciens politiques contourage à refléchir de nouveau à la possibilité de me porter a la Chefferie du PLQ,” wrote M. Blackburn in a post on the Facebook page, jeudi soir. “Bien que Cette Marque de Truste Me Touche Sérieusement et sincerity, j’ai décidé de Prioriser ma santé, ma famille et le CPQ”, at-il poursuivi.

If the sources are in the process of being controlled, then the restoration occurs as a result of the previous operation plus the difficulty you went through before. The energy should not be at its maximum to meet the needs of this course in the direction that has been announced for a long time. “In the end, it’s a marathon, a cooking course, and everything related to health, it doesn’t feel plus attack”, at-on indiqué à La Presse.

After receiving our information, M. Blackburn made an official announcement of the sale. Jeudi, en soirée, plusieurs médias avaient déjà rapporte la nouvelle.

In the publication, “Roberval’s old deputy and director general of PLQ” is the most convincing that surgery was better. The Australian explanation means that a recovering person can gradually repeat his or her professional work on the patronage board throughout the week.

Le doute persistait

The possible candidacy of Carl Blackburn continues to attract attention because she was absent from the PLQ Congress on November 10, unlike the five candidates who agreed today.

“Candidates who announce investment from plusists are still energized for marathon demands to replace PLQ and become the new chef in the 2026 election,” Australian writer M. Blackburn in the publication.

Candidates for party director are the old PDG of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce Charles Milliard, the old mayor of Montreal Denis Codaire, the provincial deputy Frédéric Beauchemin, the lawyer Marc Bélanger and the federal deputy Pablo Rodriguez.

In October, Quebec’s veteran premier, Jean Charest, confirmed that the candidacy of Carl Blackburn had mobilized many militants in the lead-up to the meeting. La Presse1. Long-serving fighters have already begun preparing to return and return to the battlefield.

“Je Tiens à remercier tous mes anciens collègues et amis pour la Confance et l’Enthousiasme dont ils Ont Témoigné for une possible candidacy”, by Carl Blackburn.

The official date for completing the course in the direction is set for January 13. “Party Fighters” in the issue of “New Chef” in June 2025.

With information about Vincent Larin, La Presse

1. Read the article “Course towards PLQ Fighters preparing for Carl Blackburn’s venue”