
“Rituels de prières dans les Vestiaires”: the prefecture rejects the agreement of the Montpellier football club for “separatism”

“Rituels de prières dans les Vestiaires”: the prefecture rejects the agreement of the Montpellier football club for “separatism”

Prefect Hérault is in demand by the French Football Federation as coach of the large conservatory at the Avenir Sportif Juvignac stadium. Celle-ci lui empêche toute participates in an official competition.

“The rituals of the priests, the accompaniment of religious music distributed on portable phones for amateurs, dressed in anticipation of the match, is important for a certain period.”index of the prefecture of Hérault to explain the pensioner’s decision on the agreement of Avenir Sportif Juvignac, the football club of this commune, located in the north-west of Montpellier.

Entraînements pendant “aménagés voire annulés” le Ramadan

“Religious holidays (Ramadan) are part of their activities at the football club, giving rise to an example of how to organize cancellations of classes. after the match”the most precise call of the prefecture, en Lien Avec Cet Arrêté Préfectoral “Based on the facts of separatism, auxquels se sont ajoutés des manquements à la vie démocratique au sein de l’association AS Juvignac.”

“At the request of the Prefect of Hérault, the French Football Federation must become the largest conservatory in the club’s stadium in order to take part in the official competition. association”, additional public services for such a decision, prize to Prefect François-Xavier Losch for July 19.

“Mesure de mise out of competition”

On the Internet site of the football district of Hérault, accounts held in the commissions of rules and contents, font état des rencontres not joués ces dernières semaines par l’équipe 1 de l’AS Juvignac, et du match benéficiant aux équips unfavorable. “Decision dated October 24, 2024, the Federal Commission of Discipline adopted a decision, à la suite d’un signalement par le SDJES (Department of Youth Services, Involvement and Sports, NDLR), de mettre en instruction dossier concerning the Juvignac Club et al. mesure de mise out of competition for the title of conservatory for the entire club team by decision taken by the intervener.” Ces documents that this is the solution “The most vulnerable appeal from the General Board of Appeal of the district of Herault for football.”

President of the AC Juvignac March 29, 2024, Cécile Ikpefan, the indica I’m waiting for “Rien à dire sur le sujet”. “This is an instruction, we cannot go back for immediate and not for final consequences.” The mayor of Juvignac, Jean-Luc Savy, claims that part of what is inaccessible “pas connaissance de ces faits, sinon nous aurions agi.” Des faits sur lesquels il a été interrogé “avant-garde ete”with her son associated with participation in sports, Marie-Delphine Parpillon, in a shot from the team “Directorate of Youth and Sports”. “Nous n’avons pas eu d’éléments à leur apporter.”

Concerted forest “actions in the spirit of democratic life in the association”prefecture pointe shoes, l’adjointe au sport de Juvignac indiquait à Midi Libre, au mois de mars dernier : “Nous avons constaté une fragilité Administration.” “L’assemblée générale a été realisée sans voice, ni bilan.” After some time, the club restores its organigram.

Tapis de prière dans le local du club: un précédent au Sète Olympique Football Club

Last evening, the Sete Olympique football club was suspended from the conservatory of all official competitions of the French Football Federation, in accordance with the principles of mutual understanding that determine the behavior of communautors and religions in the club, and in accordance with the decision of the club. Préfet de L’Heureux de Louis is a retired son of the agreement of the sports association. Ce dernier entendait, par cette mesure, lutter contre “Separatism and communitarianism” in the department. As a result, control over the fact of existence, notes that the presence of tapis de prieur in the local club and the refusal of the president de creeur in the women’s section. The city of Sète suspends the annual subvention and the management of municipal infrastructure. The club is at the disposal of the administrative tribunal to suspend the prefectural arrest, but the jurisdiction is in agreement with the prefect in making a decision.