
The Bank of Belfius refuses financial assistance to Ville de Mons: aurait-elle peur d’un PTB trop dépensier?

The Bank of Belfius refuses financial assistance to Ville de Mons: aurait-elle peur d’un PTB trop dépensier?

Ayder Liège, Charleroi and Mons: this is a no for Belfius. Commentary explaining this decision about the bank, especially during Nicolas Martin’s ville?

Belfius refused to finance Mons après l’arrivée du PTB au pouvoir“: ce titre fait la Une du Journal l’Echo qui, meme si Belfius refuses the commentator in this dossier, confirms the information about him.

When Belfius sought help from the Oxygen Plan cadres to finance Walloon communes and villages in difficult conditions, the bank became a fait accompli within the Walloon government when they refused assistance in a direct line to the cities of Liège, Charleroi and Mons. If you refuse to justify Charleroi and Liège on the basis of a catastrophic financial situation, then the city of Mons aurait sans doute mérité un autre Traetement. Plusieurs sources confirm that Belfius refuses to honestly trust the majority if it departs from the PTB.

Sur quels critères Belfius – is this the solution? “The bank does not make political decisions, but on the contrary, must be bright.“, admitted Giuseppe Pagano, professor of economics at the University of Mons, and this will help me learn democracy.

Selon l’Economiste Bruno Colman, il ya bien des prejugés tels que “extreme stupidity depends on utility finances“, more than anything, this is simply a fairness of prejudice and is not what guides banks in the process of making decisions about legacy or non-cash funds.

Apres advertising“, this is a fact Bruno Colman, “When the banks failed in 2008, he was no longer on the PTB“. Ce qu’elles évaluent, ce sont les risques et les garanties de remboursement du prêt. Elles ont ainsi le roit de prêt de prêt ou de prêter, mais à un taux plus élevé.

After Bruno Colman, what sans doute passé dans le cas qui nous occupe, c’est que Belfius et toutes les Banques veulent diversifier les risques: ne pas risquer beaucoup sur une ville et plutôt que de mulitiplier les débiteurs, they prefer to claim paid region and it will be a bathroom in this region, where classes on foundations will be held in cities.
et de rembourser le pret.

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